Alanya Travel Guide: TOP 5 Things to Do, Attractions & Tips

Alanya Travel Guide

Hello, fairytale creatures!

Are you ready for our 7th trip of the year? 777! This time, it’s a trip to Alanya! If you plan to visit, Alanya Travel Guide is for you!

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A New Adventure Begins: Putting Our Trust in a Travel Agency

I hope you enjoyed reading about our recent adventures in Budapest, Vienna, and Bratislava. It was quite a journey! But this time, we decided to do things a bit differently and put everything into the hands of a travel agency.


Explore our past self-planned adventures.

If you’re wondering the same thing, well, so am I 😀

But fear not! This Alanya travel is about using travel agencies in Alanya for better planning. We will share our opinions on this.

If you’re planning to explore Alanya’s best places without a travel agency, our experiences might be of assistance. We managed certain aspects on our own to provide valuable insights.

So, make the most of this chance to gain fresh knowledge, and you certainly won’t want to miss the story either! Back on track!

Back on track!

The Pros and Cons of Agency Travel: Lessons from Alanya

However, we tossed aside those plans when we realized the expensive cost of renting a trailer in the summer. So we decided to go with a more authentic approach and camp with a tent. The post about the Yaga gathering will come as soon as possible, so stay tuned!

Donatas and I decided to abandon the camper plan. We wanted to take a break and explore last-minute travel deals through an agency. July was already pretty intense, but why not make it even more exciting? We came up with the idea of a trip to Alanya!

After returning to Budapest, Vienna, and Bratislava, we immediately started looking for a new adventure. On the 27th, we stumbled upon a deal offered by “Travel Academy”  in Lithuania.

The deal included flights, transfers, and Saritas Hotel for 316.83. The cost is EUR per person. The price is EUR per person.

We will depart on July 4th and return on July 11th. This is right before the NATO summit in Vilnius and the festival we were excited about.

Usually, we inspect Saritas hotels before making a reservation. However, this time, we assumed the travel agency had already conducted the necessary research. We believed they would not provide us with a subpar hotel for the price.

Well, guess what? We got a lousy hotel – Hotel Ipsos in Beldibi, Turkey.

Cost of Living in Alanya: Balancing Budget & Comfort

We thought this hotel would be wrong, but it was the worst for a 7-day vacation. We wanted to relax by the pool, but it felt like a place to work instead.

We immediately tried to find a solution and called the assigned agent. At first, she didn’t want to help. However, she soon realized that she had two options.

She could either lose over 300 euros and cancel the trip or switch hotels. 😀

Luckily, the agent agreed to ask the travel agency they bought trips from if it was possible to change the hotel. And thankfully, it was! We had to pay a bit more but opted for a more decent hotel – Saritas Hotel. It’s not a 5-star hotel, but it’s much better, and I’ll share more details about it soon 😀

The agent was kind enough to facilitate the exchange for free, so we paid an additional 107.06 EUR per person for the better hotel. We realized a better option wouldn’t be available, so we went for it and slightly exceeded our budget.

As budget travelers, we have limitations, but IT IS WHAT IT IS! As I said, staying and working in a lousy hotel for seven days wasn’t the best option for us. 🙂 I thank the agent very much, as she did everything she could in this situation and didn’t leave us hanging. 🙂

So the total price for the trip to Alanya for one person is 423.89 EUR, so quick maths – 847.78 EUR for both of us. 🤠🤠🤠
So, coming to the beginning of our trip, hoorayyyyy!!

Our flight was very early, the earliest we’ve ever had on any of our trips – 04:20. Because of our luggage, we had to arrive at the airport earlier. The beginning of the trip to Alanya went well.

Navigating the Russian Language in Turkey

When we landed and passed passport control, we waited about an hour to pick up our luggage. Not so bad. Remember that this is the high season in Turkey in July.

Then, it was time to find where is our bus. We found the travel agency’s table outside. The lady gave us a piece of paper with our bus number written.

After going for about 10 minutes, we found that bus finally! We didn’t think we would find it, but we had to walk to the end of the long line of buses. 😀

Our first surprise when we reached the bus was that the agent was talking ONLY in Russian. It would be nice of you to know some essential words in English. I felt disappointed with the agents of Join Up company because they couldn’t speak English and refused to do so.

I was just speechless as I didn’t like it at all. The trip to Alanya started like this. How cool that 🙂 I was pissed that we could not communicate in a language we all understand.

Luckily, I know some Russian from school and can understand a lot. I just listened to the important things she told us.

They informed us that our agent would meet us at the hotel. Our agent would inform us about the bus schedule from the airport. The agent mentioned her name.

That’s all. She talked about Turkey and did a quiz, but I didn’t want to join, even though I understood her.

It wasn’t nice to assume that all Lithuanians and everyone who comes to Turkey for a holiday speak Russian. 🙂 It was a terrible experience.

Saritas Hotel Review: Sun, Sand, and WiFi Quality


So, around noon, we finally reached our Saritas hotel and checked in. Of course, we got the worst possible room.: D We got it on the 5th floor, the only floor needing renovation. How cool is that? 😀 See it for yourselves 🙂

The Saritas hotel “was clean,” and the food was decent, which was surprising because I thought it would be worse. The alcohol, including beer and white and red wines, was also good. Thumbs up for that! Cocktails – well, I didn’t try them, but Donatas wouldn’t recommend drinking them as he said it was just shit 😀

The Saritas Hotel had a private beach. However, if you arrived later in the day, especially after 8 a.m., it was nearly impossible to find an available spot.

Also, the worst part of the Saritas Hotel is the WiFi. There is a problem with it in all of Turkey. WiFi costs $2 daily, and you must buy it separately for each device.

If you stay for a week and require WiFi for your phone and PC, it’ll be $28 for internet access. CRAZY!

The first thing I did when I came to our rooms was to test the WiFi. It worked pretty shitty, and I understood that working with this kind of WiFi would be impossible. I couldn’t even connect to a VPN.

Additionally, we couldn’t find an exam that allowed data sharing. I used vacation days for the days I meant to work and focused on my blog and other activities instead. 😀 Donatas also attempted to work but said he would never repeat the same mistake. 😀

For all you readers out there, remember that in Turkey, everyone has to pay for mobile data. So, the intelligent choice is to find a reliable SIM card provider that allows you to share the internet with others!

That wraps up the review of the Saritas Hotel. I will provide the summary later, where you will be able to check all of the points. Now, let’s go to the more likable and funnier part – vacation!

TOP 5 Things to do in Alanya

1. Pamukkale Thermal Pools

Our trip started on July 4th and 5th. We explored the best attractions in Alanya, got to know the area, and took some time to relax.

On the 5th, we met with our agent from the JoinUp Travel agency. Interestingly, he didn’t speak English, so we gathered the needed information and moved on with a smile! 😀

Later, on the 5th, we found a Lithuanian Travel agency called Atostogos Turkijoje Ekskursijos su Vyteniu. Maybe the content is more relevant to my Lithuanian readers here as they organize the trips in Lithuanian 🙂

So we found the Travel agency and, on Thursday, 6 July, booked a trip to Pamukkale thermal pools and Salda Lake. It costs 65 EUR per person for everything except the Kleopatra Pool in Hieropolis, so that is a deal!

On the 5th, the travel agency informed us they’d pick us up at 2 a.m. to go to Pamukkale Thermal Pools, Turkey when it’s less hot and crowded. That was fine by us! So, the trip to Alanya tourist attractions is now to Alanya and Pamukkale thermal pools!

The travel agency picked us up, and later, we stopped to get some breakfast and finally reached Pamukkale Thermal Pool. It took around 6 hours to reach the place, but worth it!

We had an excellent Alanya tour guide named Jolita, to whom I want to express my gratitude. She shared much information about Turkey, was exceptionally kind and patient, and made our trip a great experience. Thumbs up, Jolita, don’t stop!👍

So, back to Pamukkale thermal pools. For those who do not know, Pamukkale is a breathtaking natural wonder in Turkey, featuring stunning white terraces formed by mineral-rich hot springs.

Atop this wonder lies the ancient city of Hierapolis, showcasing well-preserved Greco-Roman ruins. One of its highlights is the Kleopatra Pool, a thermal pool believed to have been used by Kleopatra herself, boasting submerged ancient ruins within its warm, healing waters.

It was my dream to visit Pamukkale and everything here, so it is worth finding an organized trip to go there! You will find many offers to the top spots in Turkey, so there is nothing to worry about! And these people, I think, will speak English 😀

So, it’s the perfect time to visit Pamukkale, and I highly recommend finding an organized trip to get there.

2. Salda Lake Antalya and Levander fields

After lunch, we made our way to the Lavender fields near Salda Lake, and finally, we arrived at the lake. Salda Lake, located in Turkey, is famous for its clear turquoise waters and white sandy shores, often likened to “Turkey’s Maldives.” It’s a must-see! See it for yourselves!

The trip was worth the money, so I recommend you find locals organizing these trips! I can only briefly summarize the planning because it was all pre-arranged. Using an agency for your Pamukkale trip in Turkey is more accessible than planning the bus journey yourself.

If you rented a car – go for it and visit as much as possible, but be aware of Turkish driving. It’s not the European standard 😀

So, back to business!

3. Cleopatra Beach (Kleopatra)

One of the Best Things to Do in Alanya!

On Saturday, 8 July, we explored Alanya, specifically Cleopatra Beach. We attempted to find buses to Alanya on Google Maps, but we had no luck with our search.

While walking around, I spotted the bus station. I suggested to Donatas that we go there and wait for a bus to take us to the city center, passing by Cleopatra’s Beach.

And we did so and were lucky! The convenient part is that you can pay for the bus using a card, so there’s no need for cash. The bus ticket is also affordable at ₺10.45, roughly around 0.35 EUR!

I felt disappointed because I couldn’t find any app or resources related to bus travel there. The information I did come across about visiting Alanya, particularly Cleopatra Beach, wasn’t very helpful.

I noticed people were using the ENUYGUN app, but I couldn’t find an English language option when I tried it. I’d recommend trying it in this situation, especially if you plan to visit Cleopatra Beach. The worst-case scenario is taking a taxi back to the Saritas hotel, where it’s about 1EUR per kilometer, as people have noted. 😉

So we caught the bus and reached Cleopatra Beach. This beautiful sandy shoreline in Alanya, Turkey, is named after the legendary Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, who supposedly loved this spot. Today, Cleopatra Beach is famous for its clear blue waters and its place in Cleopatra Beach history.

See it for yourselves; it is worth visiting for sure! The waves were amazing, but I highly recommend being extra cautious because they can get intense, and you know what can happen next. Enjoy your visit to Cleopatra Beach, Alanya! 😉

4. Alanya Castle and Cable Car (Teleferik)

We only wanted to explore a little that day as it was hot in Turkey this week, especially in the daytime. 31-33 °C is a lot to handle for us Lithuanians, so we were trying to avoid sunburns and heavy traveling to ensure we would come back safe and sound. 😀 Exploring places like Alanya Castle under the scorching sun can be quite challenging!

If it’s hot, be sure to have lots of water available. Always keep yourself safe!

So on Sunday, 9 July, the trip to Alanya CONTINUES! We came here around 4:3 p.m. to avoid the heat outside. 😀

We started by shopping for souvenirs to take home and spent a lot, but bargaining is always necessary there! You will get much better prices for the things you want to buy!

Later, we headed to the funicular that took us up to Alanya Castle. We were not ready for the hike that day. 😀

The price for a round trip was ₺ 190, or around 6.8 EUR, a good deal, and the views are worth it! We even saw mountain goats just hanging around on the rocks. 😀 These kinds of views are always nice to see.

We didn’t go to the castle as it was too late to go there. Alanya Teleferik works from 08:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. (1 April – 31 October) and costs 150 ₺, around 5 EUR.

We decided to walk around and gather the views, which are, of course, unique. You can see both sides of Alanya. 😀 Check the pictures to get the spirit of it!

5. Damlataş Cave

Later, we headed to Damlatas Cave, where funicular lands nearby. Damlatas Cave is a captivating natural wonder in Alanya, Turkey, known for its stunning stalactites, stalagmites, and unique therapeutic microclimate.

The cave is open from 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. (1 April – 31 October), and the entrance fee is only 30 ₺ or around 1 EUR! It’s worth visiting, leaving the pictures!! Damlataş Beach is also nearby, offering a beautiful seaside experience to complement your day of exploration.

Savoring the Sun and Shopping in Alanya Travel

Later, we decided to try Sherlock restaurant in Alanya, which we saw when going to the funicular. The advertisement of a kebab for 3 EUR won our hearts 😀 So we tried these kebabs, a delightful addition to our culinary journey in Alanya. They are small and very European but good as a quick snack before returning to the Saritas hotel for dinner. Wondering, “What to eat in Alanya?” – These kebabs are a tasty option to consider!

So here we reached the last day of our trip, Monday, 10th of July. Work kept us busy, but we tried to catch the last sunrays to get a bit of a tan. We realized we had been avoiding the sun a bit too much. 😄

BUT BETTER BE SAFE THAN BURNED! Then we went shopping for more items to return to Lithuania, like cheap cigarettes, only around 1.5 – 1.8 EUR! 😊

These people are just encouraging their nation to smoke. 😀 Just kidding! But it is a good deal for a European smoker for sure. 😀

As we packed our bags, we enjoyed our final dinner, savored the last beer at the bar, and could sense the conclusion of our trip to Alanya. We were waiting for the bus to pick us up.

As the agent informed us on Wednesday, we will get the information about the bus on 10 July at 6 p.m.

We didn’t receive the information immediately; we got it 1.5 hours later. We discovered the bus would arrive at 11:50 p.m., quite early considering our 6 a.m. flight.

So we, as dutiful people, came at 11:30 and waited for the bus. 11:50 p.m. – The bus is not here. 12:05 – The bus still needs to arrive.

I asked the Saritas hotel staff about it, and they said the buses are sometimes late. 12:10 We call the agent assigned to get to know where our bus is.

He called and said it would be here shortly. The “shortly” that he had in mind was 12:30 a.m. 😀 It wasn’t enjoyable, but at least the bus picked us up 😀

Then we reached the airport, checked our luggage, and waited for the flight while eating. Unfortunately, I can’t recall the name of the place we ate at.

It was similar to a Turkish KFC but located near Burger King in Antalya Airport’s 2nd Terminal. We spent 16.30 EUR on some food, which wasn’t bad for airport prices. 😊😀 And here it was, the end of our trip to Alanya…

Facts, Figures, Prices, & Travel Tips for Your Convenience

  • This time, the step count is quite low, only 70,401 steps, or 41.6 kilometers. That’s the result of an all-inclusive vacation! 😄
  • Do I recommend you book a trip via a travel agency? My honest opinion would be yes if you begin talking with an agent before buying a journey, not afterward. And it is convenient if you don’t want to plan your trip or don’t have time to do it.
  • Would I do it again? I prefer to plan my trips based on recommendations from others, so that I might skip this option for a while. 😄
  • One thing that is easier to do with agencies is that they book a plane for people, making reaching the destination faster. For example, our flight was with Corenon Airlines, but they needed flights from Vilnius to Antalya to buy. It is only possible via agencies in Lithuania. It is possible, though, from other countries…
  • The total amount we spent – 847.78, for our expenses – was around 385 EUR. Total – 1232.78. This trip has become the most expensive, even though our stay at the Saritas Hotel included food and drinks. 😄 Turkey is a relatively cheap country, but when you start spending, you cannot stop, so be aware. Don’t let the cheapness fool you. 😄
  • Be aware of the sun, too hot. Avoid going out at noon and until around 3-4 o’clock. Use SPF 50! Better be safe than sorry! And drink lots of water!
  • Choose your Saritas hotel wisely, especially when you must spend a week there and work!!!!!!!
  • Learn a few words in Turkish, like hello, goodbye, thank you. We experienced that Turkish people are much nicer when you say something in Turkish. SO GET READY FOR A SHORT LESSON: Hello – Merhaba, Thank you – Teşekkürler, Goodbye – Güle güle!
    Don’t overload your stomach with food! I understand it’s not easy when you can eat everything, but you’ll feel much better, especially in the heat! 😊
  • Don’t swim in the sea at night! We saw one guy almost drowning because he swam too far away. Donatas ran to get a lifeline, but the guy was already safe and sound when he returned.

So, my dear readers, thank you for reading about our visit Alanya this time! And until the next adventure!

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