Trip to Copenhagen, Denmark: A Journey Through Remarkable Places

Trip to Copenhagen Denmark A Journey Through Remarkable Places

Hello wanderers!

Long time no see! Or should I say, short? My last post about London seems to have been posted not so long ago, but we have already taken a 4/12 trip this year! This time, it was an expensive but lovely destination – Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen!

Unfortunately, this time I don’t have a powerful and extensive story to tell (or maybe fortunately, less reading :D). The initial plan for April was to go to Riga since we are really broke—I’m not lying :D. But Fausta came up with a brilliant idea to visit Riga in August, so we had to postpone our trip and immediately find a new destination! You’ll get to know more about Riga in August!


After doing the research on ticket prices, we came to the conclusion that the cheapest tickets were definitely to Scandinavian countries, and we would have to go there… The saddest moment is that the countries themselves are not that cheap :D. The dates were also not that flexible since my colleague had already taken a holiday from the 24th to the 26th of April, so I knew I wouldn’t get free days at work.

Many things were already planned, so the unplanned trip took place from the 14th to the 17th of April. The tickets were reasonably priced at 205.08 EUR for three people. Not that bad, but if we had bought the tickets the moment we saw the price, we could have saved maybe 50 EUR for trip to Copenhagen… but it is what it is 🙂

Finding Affordable Accommodation in Copenhagen

Since there was not much time left and our bank accounts were crying, we had to wait for our salaries to arrive before we could buy a place to stay. When we finally purchased our tickets, I was eager to check the prices in advance so that I could plan our spending a bit.

However, by the time we were ready to book accommodations, all of the cheap options were already taken, so we ended up choosing the cheapest and best available. Can you guess what it was? Of course, a hostel! And a very good one at that. How did we know? Because we had already stayed at the same hostel before! It was a&o Copenhagen Sydhavn.

The hostel turned out to be even better than the one in Berlin (Read about our Trip to Belin here), although the room was not very spacious. In my opinion, it is one of the best hostels in Copenhagen! I haven’t tried them all, but the a&o chain offers decent accommodation at reasonable prices. If you have the funds, you can certainly find cheaper options, but you need to book your accommodations much earlier!

Exploring Copenhagen’s Must-Visit Attractions

As always, I couldn’t embark on a trip without making a plan or jotting down the places I wanted to visit. This time, the list wasn’t as long as it was for London (London Calling: A Trip to England’s Vibrant Capital City) but that didn’t mean Copenhagen had any less to offer!

What to do in copenhagen:

Exploring Copenhagen’s Must-Visit Attractions

As always, I couldn’t embark on a trip without making a plan or jotting down the places I wanted to visit. This time, the list wasn’t as long as it was for London (London Calling: A Trip to England’s Vibrant Capital City) but that didn’t mean Copenhagen had any less to offer!

What to do in copenhagen:

Trip to Copenhagen Denmark: Overcoming Travel Hiccups and Delays to Begin the Journey

So, so, so, now we finally get to the tale of Copenhagen! Our flight was on Thursday, April 14th, at 16:50, which was a relief since it wasn’t an early morning flight. However, before heading off, we had to take care of some work. The only downside was that our flight departed from Kaunas instead of Vilnius, where we live. Originally, we planned to go by car, but unfortunately, my car had other plans and decided it was the perfect time to break down.

So, the trip to the airport was not the easiest one. It went from my home to Vilnius Train Station, then to Kaunas Train Station, and finally to Kaunas Airport. And no, we did not take a taxi. We decided it would be nice to take the buses that take forever to travel! But we managed to get to the airport without any interruptions. BUT then the flight was delayed for approximately 1.5 hours. How nice, isn’t it?! 😀 But we managed to arrive safely in Copenhagen.

Understanding the city’s public transportation was a bit challenging due to the numerous options available. Our hostel was situated in Sydhavn, where only overground trains made stops. Therefore, we had to take a train to the city centre and then transfer to the overground train. Thankfully, Google Maps came to the rescue, as it proved to be a reliable and helpful tool for navigating the transit system.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Upon reaching the metro, we downloaded the DOT Billetter app, which proved to be a handy tool for purchasing public transport tickets in the capital of Denmark.

The adventurers made a quick stop at a local shop to grab something to eat before heading straight to the hostel. And then, a brilliant decision was made – recognizing the need for rest to fully seize the upcoming two intense days in Copenhagen. Stay tuned for the continuation of our story…

DAY 1: Copenhagen’s Charm and Royal Connections

Getting to know the city

After getting up and being ready to explore the Danish capital, we wasted no time and embarked on our exploration!

Here is the list of attractions we visited (we also included a quick visit where we only admired the buildings from the outside :D)

  • Botanical gardens
  • Rosenborg Castle
  • King’s Garden
  • Kastellet
  • Gefion Fountain
  • The Little Mermaid
  • Amalienborg Palace
  • Frederik’s Church
  • Nyhavn
  • Strøget
  • Round Tower
  • Ny Carlsberg Glypotek
  • Tivoli Gardens Copenhagen

Copenhagen’s Botanical Gardens and Palm House

So we began our wandering by purchasing a 48-hour ticket for public transportation, which cost 150 DKK (approximately 20.63 EUR). It may seem like a considerable amount, but we were well aware that we were visiting a Scandinavian country where the cost of existence is high.

Next, we headed to the Botanical Gardens. The gardens are open from 8:30 to 18:00 and entry is free of charge. However, to visit the Palm House, there was an admission fee of 60 DKK for adults (around 8.25 EUR).

Sadly, it wasn’t the spring that we wanted, or expected it to be. There were not many flower blossoms in the gardens. However, we couldn’t help but fall in love with the place! A visit to the Palmhuset is an absolute must, where you can marvel at the stunning exotic plants and the delightful butterflies that call it home. 10/10 recommendation from us!

Rosenborg Castle, King’s Garden, and Unforgettable Encounters

Then we proceeded to Rosenborg Castle and King’s Garden. On our way, we unexpectedly came across a parade, which was quite impressive! The parade wasn’t a result of the pleasant weather, but I’ll get to that later. Now, let’s talk about the castle. We definitely wanted to visit it, but the admission fee of 125 DKK was more than what we wanted to spend. This trip was all about saving as much as possible since we had originally planned to be in Riga. So, we contented ourselves with exploring the castle’s exterior and then headed to the Garden, which happens to be the oldest park in Copenhagen! The wanderers highly 10/10 recommend it

Kastellet Fortress and the Enigmatic Gefion Fountain

Then we went to Kastellet, which is a fortress. If you expect me to provide detailed descriptions, well, don’t, because I can’t. It was more like wandering around the listed objects, but the surroundings were undeniably beautiful! Nearby, we came across the Gefion Fountain. Unfortunately, the water had been turned off during our visit. It seems that the timing of our trip to Copenhagen wasn’t ideal. Nevertheless, it was still worth it!

Unfortunately, no pictures were taken of Kastellet and the Gefion fountain, so I apologize that there is nothing to see here. But this time, only this time, Google will for sure be happy to be of assistance in providing images of these places. But check out our gallery for all the pictures taken in Copenhagen.

Playful Mermaid Moments and Amalienborg Palace Charm

Nearby, lies the beautiful mermaid that is synonymous with Copenhagen. However, due to the large crowds, we couldn’t simply approach her or take a regular photo with the sculpture. Nonetheless, we got creative and captured a picture with not one, but two mermaids in the frame! It was a fun and playful moment amidst the bustling crowd. :DDD

The tour continued, and we arrived at Amalienborg Palace, the winter residence of the Danish Royal Family. Unfortunately, we missed the daily change that takes place at 12:00 since our trip was organized in a different order. Nevertheless, the palace was impressive, but not overly extravagant or ostentatious. That’s one of the things I love about Scandinavia – you don’t need to be flashy! Just be yourself, as authenticity is the most important thing.

Marveling at the Beauty of Frederik’s Church

Then we headed to Frederik’s Church, which has working hours of 10:00-17:00 on Saturday and 12:30-17:00 on Sunday. There is also a dome that is worth visiting as it offers a panoramic view of Central Copenhagen. The price for the dome tour is 30 DKK, but the challenge is that the tours are only available at 13:00 and there are limited tickets, so there’s a possibility of not being able to visit the dome.

However, as the budget-conscious wanderers that we were, we didn’t manage to arrive at the church before 15:00 (I don’t remember exactly, but we definitely missed the tour :D), so we simply strolled around the church. It was a beautiful sight and definitely worth a visit!

Nyhavn and Beyond: Charming Waterfront, Tower Views, and Affordable Eats in Copenhagen

Then it was time to visit the famous Nyhavn! However, our hunger got the better of us, and upon reaching the waterfront, we realized that we needed to grab something to eat before continuing our exploration. We stumbled upon the nearest Aldi (yaaaaay, a cheap German shop!), bought some food, and returned to the hostel to have our meal. No McDonald’s, no kebabs, just simple sandwiches 😀 Remember, traveling to one of the most expensive cities on a tight budget can be challenging, especially when you know that another trip is right around the corner 😀

So, the second attempt to visit Nyhavn is on! But first on our list is the Round Tower, as we know we won’t be coming back there 😀 Previously an observatory, the tower still houses a telescope inside! Unfortunately, visitors are not allowed to use the telescope, but it was still delightful to see the zodiac stars and enjoy the stunning view of Copenhagen, including the Øresund Bridge connecting Denmark and Sweden. The tower is open from 10:00 to 20:00, and the admission fee for adults is 40 DKK. Definitely worth a visit!

And finally… Nyhavn. We reached this vibrant place via Strøget, one of the largest pedestrian areas. There isn’t much to tell, I believe – it’s simply a charming place. I won’t say that it’s worth visiting the waterfront, as you already know it is! Go and see it for yourselves!

Christiania and Copenhagen’s Metro

Well, well, we were already a bit tired, but Fausta couldn’t wait until tomorrow to visit Christiania, so off we went. We managed to snap a few photos before entering Christiania because it’s prohibited to take pictures inside the free town of Christiania. But the atmosphere there was cool and everything felt just right, if you catch my drift :))) It’s definitely worth a visit!

After Christiania, we took a few rides on the Copenhagen Metro, which is driverless. I’ve never seen anything as cool as that, and we didn’t want to get off the train, but it was time for us to rest. We passed by Tivoli Gardens, but we decided not to go in because it’s quite expensive. You can check the prices yourself and decide what you’d like to do 🙂

We also had Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek on our list of places to visit, but unfortunately, time was not on our side, so we had to skip it. It’s a museum that covers a wide range of topics and features a stunning winter garden! If you decide to go, the entrance fee is 125 DKK, and it’s open from 11:00 to 18:00.

DAY 2: Unplanned Adventures, Delicious Kebabs, and Farewell to Copenhagen

  • Assistens Cemetery
  • Nørrebro
  • BaNanna Park
  • Superkilen
  • The Lakes
  • Dronning Louises Bro
  • Christiania
  • The Church of Our Saviour
  • Amager
  • Kødbyen
  • Canal tour

The plan for the second day was originally to visit less touristy spots, but as it often happens with wanderers, the plan didn’t quite work out as intended. We ended up abandoning the plan and simply wandered around. After a lot of walking on Saturday, we decided to take it easy on Sunday. We visited some souvenir shops and then decided to take a canal tour. The ticket cost us 109 DKK (14.63 EUR) per person, but it was definitely worth the price. The tour included a guide, which was a nice touch as we got to learn some interesting details about trip to Copenhagen!

We made the decision to revisit Christiania once again, this time during the daytime, to see how it looked in a different light. To our surprise, it didn’t look much different. The atmosphere was still the same, perhaps with more people around, and the overall vibe was not as eerie as it can be at night. It was an interesting experience to see Christiania from a different perspective during the day.

Mouthwatering Kebabs at Konya Kebab

Then the plan was to visit Assistens Cemetery later, and we were also craving some kebabs in Nørrebro. A colleague at work had recommended Nørrebro as a great place to find delicious kebabs. We decided to explore the area and stumbled upon Konya Kebab, a hidden gem that fulfilled our kebab cravings. It looked unassuming from the outside, but we knew from experience that sometimes the best kebabs come from the humblest places. And we were not disappointed! The kebabs from Konya Kebab were absolutely mouthwatering, and the prices were excellent too. I paid 90 DKK for two kebabs, which is around 11 EUR. Really good price!

Copenhagen’s Final Moments on E-Bikes Before Catching Our Early Flight

Unfortunately, later we were so full that it was time to return home and get some rest because the kebab had us feeling stuffed 😀 So we headed back to our accommodation, took a well-deserved rest, and in the evening, we rented E-bikes to explore the final moments of Denmark’s capital. And then, before we knew it, it was time to catch that early flight back to Lithuania…

Interesting Numbers, Random Facts, and Helpful Tips

  1. We managed to take approximately 71,278 steps, which translates to a distance of 42 kilometres according to my phone! Not bad considering our active day on Saturday 😀
  2. As for the cost of a budget trip to Copenhagen, the total amount spent by the three of us was around 900 euros. This includes expenses for flights, hotel accommodation, food, and drinks, but excludes transportation expenses within Copenhagen.
  3. I highly recommend taking the canal tour, as it was definitely worth the money spent!
  4. In my opinion, the best time to visit Copenhagen is from May until September.
  5. For delicious kebabs, make sure to visit Nørrebro!
  6. I suggest downloading the DOT Billeter app for easy and convenient purchase of public transport tickets in Copenhagen. It’s a user-friendly app that will make your travels much more convenient.
  7. Christiania is a unique and alternative neighborhood in Copenhagen, known for its independent and self-governed community. Explore this fascinating area, but remember that photography is not allowed inside.
  8. Consider staying in a budget-friendly hostel like a&o Copenhagen Sydhavn, which offers decent accommodation. The cost for your hostel stay may vary, but it provides an affordable option.
  9. Copenhagen can be an expensive city, so consider budgeting for food expenses. You can save money by cooking your own meals or opting for budget-friendly food options like local street vendors or supermarkets.
  10. Plan your itinerary and check the opening hours and admission prices for attractions in advance to make the most of your time in Copenhagen.

Thank you for reading! I hope I have inspired you to plan your trip to Copenhagen, and I trust that our blog has provided both enjoyable reading and practical information for your future travels. Until our next adventure, take care and see you soon!

P.S. I promise to write about our recent trip to Warsaw more quickly than this one!

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4 thoughts on “Trip to Copenhagen, Denmark: A Journey Through Remarkable Places”

  1. Great post !

    Thanks for all traveling tips and tricks sugarcoated with a bit of humor 🙂 It’s a pleasure to read.
    Keep exploring. Looking forward to your future posts.

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