Trip Report – Budapest, Vienna, Bratislava

Trip Report Budapest Vienna Bratislava

Hello everyone!

This is the last blog post about our trip to Bratislava, Budapest, and Vienna. Here, I will sum up yet another story we made and provide you with useful tips and tricks! Make sure to read the introduction, part 1, part 2, and part 3 to find more details about the trip!

I am leaving the maps for the trips so that you can easily reach them here. But don’t forget to read our stories!!!





So so so… The magic number of three cities gives us these facts:

  • We made around 110,000 steps or 70 km during this trip! Now the muscles of our legs are really strongΒ πŸ˜€
  • I tried to count the expenses that we had during this trip. This time it was harder to do so because Fausta was not with us, so we did not use the Splitwise app for splitting the money, wiseΒ πŸ˜€ We didn’t do it, but I tried to catch the ends and count everything.

*So in total, we spent around 880 euros. The flights are included in this price. Without it – around 772 euros.

Travel Guide, Tips & Tricks

Unforgettable Trips, New Experiences, and Empty Chairs

So this is it, my wonderful and patient readers. During this trip, we visited a lot of things, and I recommend you do so as well! You will come back home tired, but happy and full of new experiences that were gathered during the trip.

Hint: the initial plan was to not go anywhere in July as we are going to the wonderful festival Yaga Gathering, which is celebrating 20 years this year! But we were sitting and thinking… After doing 6 trips already, are we going to miss the 7th? HELL NO! So so so, those who didn’t see it on Instagram stories, we made a new adventure in Turkey! So July is also full of new adventures that I promise to write about as soon as possible πŸ˜€ you need the tales, right?

Be sure to follow us on Instagram, where you can check our real-time situationπŸ˜€

Thank you everyone for reading the Tales of Empty Chairs! I hope that the information from these tales is somewhat useful when you are planning trips and that you enjoy reading them! Please rate the blog posts and write some comments! Only in this way can we improve and improve every time (check the first post and these last ones πŸ˜€ can you see the improvement?πŸ˜€)!

So, my fairytale creatures, until another adventure! I hope you are all creating your tales and leaving the chairs empty!

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